Safety Update After Latest Lockdown
Following the recent easing of restrictions, we're delighted to be able to open our outdoor venues for our riders to enjoy their cycling classes once again.
For the wellbeing of all the children who ride with us, we want to make sure we do everything possible to keep safe and to keep the academy open so they can continue to take part in their classes without further interruption.
It's more important than ever that we respect the government guidance and we stick to the rules set out by our venues to ensure the safety of our riders, coaches and spectators.
We'd like to take this opportunity to re-iterate some important safety information relating to the Doncaster Cycle Track.

You must be symptom free
You should only attend the academy if you and your child/ren are completely symptom free and there is no one else in your household with symptoms.
If you, your child/ren or anyone in your household displays symptoms or tests positive for Covid-19 after you leave the academy, you should not attend your next class until government guidance dictates it is safe to do so and you must contact [email protected] so that we may implement contact tracing.
Spectators are not permitted inside the Doncaster Cycle Track, except under the following circumstances:
*You are a parent or guardian who needs to supervise a child under the age of 18 for safeguarding reasons
*You are a carer for someone with a disability
If one of the above applies, please ensure that only ONE adult attends.
Where it is necessary for you to be present inside the track, you should watch from the clearly marked spectator area and it's vital that you do not mix with other people from outside your household or support bubble. Please adhere to social distancing at all times.
We politely request that if you do not meet the above criteria, you either return to your car for the duration of your child's class or you make your way to one of the two designated spectator areas OUTSIDE the Doncaster cycle track. All spectator areas are clearly marked with signs.
Arriving for your class
Please ensure you wait at the entrance no more than 5 minutes before the start time of your child’s session.
Upon arrival, please make sure you take note of any signage in place at the venue displaying social distancing information.

We take the safety of our coaches and riders extremely seriously
Please help us to keep everyone safe at the track and help our wider community to avoid the spread of coronavirus by strictly following the guidelines above.
Thank you
Team CB